Friday, May 14, 2010

The Mystery Continues

Caitlin arrived in the town center. The fountain burbbled happily as she surveyed the scene. Ringing the fountain were comfortable wooden benches, handmade by Jud, the local police-man, in his woodshop. Arrayed in a square about the fountain were the businesses of Eddington Hollow. To her right her was the post office and police-station, next to the veterinary clinic and the doctor's/dentist's office. Behind her was Eddigton Hollows Artists Collective, neighboring the yarn shop, above which was mister Livingston's private lending library. Next door to the yarn shop was Eddigton Hollow Grocers. Behind her was Hollow Records and the offices of the Cartesian Theater Publishing Com[any. The second level on that block was Hollow Recording's studio. Next door to Cartesian Theater's offices was Therapie, the bakery. On the block in front of Caitlin were her own Hollow Pages and Eddington's Beans (the coffee shop), and the neighboring Livingston's Fine Books. As mister Livingston appeared not to have opened up shop for the day yet, Caitlin decided to check his apartment and make sure everything was ok.

Mister Livingston lived above his shop, and as Caitlin owned the buildings on that block, she had a set of keys to his apartment--so when he didn't answer his doorbell after 5 rings and ten minutes, she decided to go on up. She opened the door and called "hello" to let him know she was there and walked up the stairs, listening for a response. But mister Livingston did not reply. As she reached the top of the stairs and entered mister Livingston's foyer, Caitlin noticed Saturday's mail sitting on a side-table, unopened. She walked into the first room on her right, the kitchen. On the small table was Saturday's newspaper, still folded. The coffee maker on the counter was half-full, but cold (as she assessed that fact, she also noticed the distinct aroma of mister Livingston's favorite Costa Rican blend from Eddington's Beans).

Caitlin continued to the living/diningroom. The dining table was empty. On the coffee table in front of the couch was a old oversize art book, probably one of Mister Livingston's collection of rare books that he kept for himself, rather than put on sale. On a small table next to the large armchair was an open letter and a pair of reading glasses, as well as a cup of coffee, mostly full and cold. Next to the letter was a picture of what appeared to be a family--a middle-aged man and woman and two young men, clearly brothers--but none of the people in the picture were familiar to Caitlin. She checked the bathroom and bedroom, but no one was there. It was, odd, though. Things lay about the house as if mister Livingston had just been there. Where could he be?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Health Warnings

This is a warning to all Citizens of Eddington Hollow.

It has been discovered that certain citizens of Eddington Hollow may be at unusually high risk for breast cancer.

We are concerned about environmental factors present in our town that may result in high cancer risks. Studies have recently shown that exposure to certain chemicals in wool may result in higher concentration of free radicals in the body. For this reason, we advise the Local Yarn Shop to discontinue selling any yarn produced from the hair of unicorn or sheep younger than three months.

This is something we are taking very seriously, and anyone found to be wearing garments of these dangerous materials will be taken back to the hospital for a mandatory training session in the threats of carcinogens.

Be safe,
Dr. Mary

Police Log, 5/12/10

Citizens of Eddington Hollow,

Today we had a minor incidence of domestic violence that must be confronted appropriately.

At approximately 4:40, citizens Caitlin and Emily were engaging in a harsh verbal discourse about the possibility of unicorn-shaving in Eddington Hollow when the fight elevated to a problematic level. Legs began flailing, and other citizens became concerned for the safety of the town. The incident was resolved before police involvement became necessary.

Citizens, we'd like to remind you that fighting doesn't solve anything, and to encourage you to maintain a solid passive-aggressive attitude for the good of the community.

Also, it has been decided that unicorn-shaving is forbidden in Eddington Hollow on the grounds of cruelty and impossibility. All unicorn shavers please cease and desist immediately.

-Jud, Chief of Police

New town citizen!

Eddington Hollow has a new citizen! Her name is Lucy! She is the town yarn-keeper who runs mister Livington's private lending library.

Philosophy and Other Updates

We will not study philosophy of mind in Eddington Hollow. Or Deductive Logic (unless it's taught by Liz). Thank you very much.

Another important update: the picture we put up of Eddington Hollow is not actually Eddington Hollow. We have yet to take pictures of our perfect little town for fear that its location will be discovered. When its location is ready to be revealed, we will make an announcement. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused or will cause.

Yet another important update: If you are a permanent resident of Eddington Hollow, you will live under Communism. All goods you need/want will be given to you for free. Example: Edna will not charge you for her groceries, Liz will not charge you for a record or for an apple, and Caitlin will not charge you for her books or her coffee. In addition, you must sell all of your goods for free. However, if you are a visitor, you must pay for all of your goods in US currency, and we will pay you for your goods. We are a utopian society, but we still have to make a living. Thank you for your cooperation.

Lastly, I motion to make it mandatory to sign your name at the end of each item you post. Like the following:

-Liz, the apple keeper

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today was a tense day in Eddington Hollow. Emily wanted to speak from Bok Chicken's point of view about Justin Bieber, and Caitlin did not like that. Emily and Caitlin fought. Emily was banned from posting on this blog. Emily was given permission to blog again if she promised to accommodate Caitlin's delusions.

She will try.


The following business names have been decided:
Local record shop--"Hollow Records"
Local recording label--"Hollow Recordings"
Local publishing co--"Cartesian Theater Publishing Company"
Local lit mag--"Cartesian Theater"
Local bookstore--"Hollow Pages"
Local antique and rare bookshop--"Livingston's Fine Books"
Local grocery store/drugstore--"Hollow's Grocers"
Local art gallery/store--"Eddington Hollow Artists Collective"
Local vet clinic--"Eddington Hollow Veterinary Clinic"
and etc...