Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eddington Hollow has it's first mystery!

What has happened to mister Livingston? (NOT Justin Bieber.)

Early this morning Caitlin was awoken to the piteous meows of mister Livingston's old tabby, Churchill. Why was Churchill wandering around the town? He usually spends his time lounging in the sun-soaked front window of mister Livingston's rare and antique bookshop...After letting Churchill in from the back porch to give him some breakfast, Caitlin decided to go into town early to let mister Livingston know that Churchill was safe and sound.

Caitlin walked into town, enjoying the beautiful spring morning and her hot cup o'joe. Along the way, she spoke with Sally, who was delivering the morning post. When Caitlin mentioned that Churchill had shown up on her back porch that morning, Sally reported that when she dropped mister Livingston's mail through the slot in his shop's front-door this morning, she noticed that he hadn't picked up Monday's mail yet. This was unusual, for though mister Livingston closed his shop Sundays and Mondays, he always picked up his mail on Monday morning.

As she continued on her way, Caitlin realized that mister Livingston hadn't shown up for brunch on Sunday either. Usually, he would eat a leisurely meal in her coffee shop around 11 on Sunday morning, but this past Sunday, he hadn't shown...

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